Ms. Pranita Thapa

Ms. Pranita Thapa serves as an Executive Director of New ERA. She holds Master’s degree in Social Science from North Bengal University, India. Ms. Thapa has lead a number of studies conducted by New ERA in the capacity of Team Leader. She has carried out various evaluation studies in different fields like reproductive health, media and communication, trafficking of children and women, migration, HIV/AIDS, displaced children, community development, human rights,  gender issues and so on. Ms. Thapa is with New ERA since 2005.

Ms. Nira Joshi

Ms. Nira Joshi is Senior Research Director in New ERA. She holds Master degree in public health from the International Institute of Health Studies, University of  Toronto, Canada in 2008, and Masters degree in sociology from Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu Nepal in 2003. She has lead a number of national-level survey research on nutrition. Her expertise is health and nutrition, M&E, and so on. She is with New ERA since 2008.

Mr. Niranjan Prasad Dhungel

Mr. Niranjan Dhungel holds a Master degree in Economics from Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, Nepal. He has led various national-level programs and research studies in different field such as drinking water and sanitation, education, good governance, food security, HIV/AIDS specially among hard to reach people, trafficking and so on. He has also been involved in PRA training and water, sanitation and hygiene training.  Mr. Dhungel has been with New ERA since 1979.