The priority areas for research fellowship are:
Every year, advertisement is placed in national newspapers, radio stations, website, and notification send to all major universities calling for proposals from prospective students across various disciplines. The call for proposal goes out twice a year so as to include graduate school from various Universities that have independent academic calendars. The fellowship is on a rolling basis and accepts proposals all year long.
Applicants, who have completed their course work for Masters’ Degree along with successful completion of their first or second semester exam, and are planning a research related to their Master’s Degree, is eligible to apply. The proposal submitted by the applicants should be written either in English or Nepali and it should be in the final stages of completion. However, New ERA appreciates an opportunity to provide inputs to the selected candidates in finalizing the research proposal. The fellowship is intended to support the student in conducting field data collection, analysis leading to high-quality research and reporting.
Depending on the need, quality of research proposal and relevance of the research topic, New ERA awards up to Rs. 50,000/- for the Master’s Research Grant. In addition to financial support, New ERA also provides other technical support such as assistance in research design/methodology, framing data collection instruments, data analysis and review of the report.